31 December 2010

Xmas coding!

I just passed Christmas with my family, so when the dinner has finished I just come back to my computer and continue coding my final prototype for my thesis. I've already obtained results but I'm working to improve the process. I've no time to lose because I need it ready for this week. The good news is that I've already a JADE-based Multi-agent system running where each agent is using a cognition module that employs as base a Bayesian program to make decisions.

So, obtain this system cost me a lot of time and effort because from the last year when I took the course until now I've learned by myself how to create and implement these the Bayesian algorithm using Java and merge it with the multi-agent system approach under JADE, a hard task for a newbie in statistics.

Why not use C++? the reason is that there is not a viable solution similar to JADE for Java. However my next years' plan is to build an open source C++ based framework for agents using the Nokia's SDK Qt as basis.

Well returning to the main topic, this Christmas was a debugging and improving experience. My prototype is almost ready. The next step is write the system output in a LaTeX document using the obtained results and improve some parts of the text. Work never ends. When I was a child I never imagine to pass a Christmas working hard as now. My gift list was composed by obtain a working MAS prototype for Christmas! Time changes the people goals.